Safe by Dawn Husted
GENRE: Science Fiction, Post Apocalyptic
A dystopian novel; Penelope Evans is eighteen, living in the Colony along with her family and other survivors. She finishes a day in the laboratory when her identification card begins flashing. This flash starts an upheaval of events leading further from her normality and towards the epic truth.
James Garak is attending the Academy where he works on achieving a higher rank. Nobody ever expects Penelope and James’ relationship to last long. A year later, they are still together.
But when they are forced to run, Penelope’s world turns upside down as she discovers the truth which will change her life forever.
With lives at stake and guards on their trail, will they make it to safety? Will the dishonest lies behind the island’s bureaucracy shatter her existence or give her the drive to find a sister she never knew existed?
Dawn Husted is a writer and a blogger. Her expertise
ranges from minuscule non-important facts up to the nitty-gritty details in current affairs. She's
conducted 33 interviews and is constantly looking for the next plunge into her writing existence.
Presently, she's the author of two young-adult fictional books, Safe and Silently Screaming. Living in a small
community, a city filled with driven individuals, empowers her
energetic nature that infected her at birth.

2) Do you think covers are important or should you never
judge a book by its cover? I think covers are definitely important, at least when it comes
to a new unknown author. The artwork has to catch the eye of the reader passing by, something
I hope my covers do. As a self-published author and designer, I enjoy creating my own
covers. However, that probably means I’m biased, and I end up making the same cover over and
over again, until finally I feel it meets a careful balance between expressing the story and
appealing to the reader. Though in the end, I think they can always be better. I hope that when
a reader sees the cover of SAFE, she’s intrigued enough to find out more about the dystopian
tale inside.
3) Have you always wanted to be an author? My passion
for writing began in 2008. Before that, I focused on college and graduating. I can’t say that I
ever truly knew what I wanted to do when I was younger, but I always had a passion for helping
people. In 2000, I went overseas for a summer and helped build an orphanage. That event changed
my life, and gave me a taste for adventure. For now, writing has become a large piece of
me, an outlet for all the built up energy and drive I have for living to the fullest. A quote that
best describes me is: "A goal without a plan is just a wish." Writing books became a dream
of mine, so I put it into action, and begin my first story. Which led to many more.
4) What gave you the inspiration for SAFE? I loved the
idea of a teenager discovering the reality of her world to be faulty; Penny’s life consists of only
what she was taught to believe. When those truths are challenged, her reality becomes unstable.
Mostly, I wanted to write a science fiction book created inside a post-apocalyptic period. This
concept sums up the dystopian novel, SAFE.
5) What's the best bit about being an author? The best
thing about being an author is… creating alternate realities, thus allowing me to live
in them amidst the plotting and character developing. On the flip side, it’s also exhausting,
because I can’t stop writing until the story is completely written down. This creates endless hours of
writing into the night.
Millie, thanks so much for having me as a guest on your
site. I hope that your readers will give my new book SAFE a chance to cast them into a tempting reality
with Penny, as she and her boyfriend fight for their lives.
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