GENRE: YA Contemporary
Sugar's Christmas Wish List: a mixture of goodies and goodwill for everyone in the world (in no particular order as told by the character Sugar from the young adult novel)
1. A massage for service worker's, preferably after their shift: food servers,
teachers, nurses, bus drivers, police officers, they do tremendously stressful
jobs and could certainly benefit from tension relief. It would also create a high
demand for masseurs!
2. A splendid sunrise for everyone who fell asleep crying.
3. A proper birthday cake with the appropriate number of candles. For people
turning 100, it'll be a big cake, but that just means more to share.
4. Peace on this planet. Peace in our hearts. Peace in our minds.
5. Pink nail polish for fingers or toes.
6. A notebook like this BE BRAVE one or this KISS MY CURVES one *Check
out my Zazzle store for more goodies like this. I like to jot down design ideas,
but it's also great place to preserve experiences, write out frustrations or hurts,
or make lists of hopes and dreams.
7. Speaking of preserving experiences, a retro instant camera like these are
mega fun to have had when hanging out with friends or road tripping.
8. Self love, respect, and body care for girls and boys, and men and women,
young and old, little and big.
9. A house, a room, or a spot in a church to take shelter. If I'm being specific I
really enjoy a cushiony bed, with a pillow top mattress, and pillows like these!
Sheets and pillowcases that are super soft like this one and a big warm
blanket because everyone deserves to be warm and cuddled.
10. A pretty, pretty dress or something like a dress. Like this Golden Girl one.
Or this Frida inspired skirt. Or this one. I don't believe there is a one-size fits
all, but I do believe girls and women of all shapes and sizes are beautiful and
should feel fancy and lovely when they dress up.
11. Reusable water bottles with fresh water for every human being on the
planet. I like this glass one in raspberry! And this metal one is pretty
12. Hugs. For everyone. Everyday.
Sugar Legowski-Gracia wasn’t always fat, but fat is what she is now at age seventeen. Not as fat as her mama, who is so big she hasn’t gotten out of bed in months. Not as heavy as her brother, Skunk, who has more meanness in him than fat, which is saying something. But she’s large enough to be the object of ridicule wherever she is: at the grocery store, walking down the street, at school. Sugar’s life is dictated by taking care of Mama in their run-down home—cooking, shopping, and, well, eating. A lot of eating, which Sugar hates as much as she loves.
When Sugar meets Even (not Evan—his nearly illiterate father misspelled his name on the birth certificate), she has the new experience of someone seeing her and not her body. As their unlikely friendship builds, Sugar allows herself to think about the future for the first time, a future not weighed down by her body or her mother.
Soon Sugar will have to decide whether to become the girl that Even helps her see within herself or to sink into the darkness of the skin-deep role her family and her life have created for her. Sugar's Christmas Wish List: a mixture of goodies and goodwill for everyone in the world (in no particular order as told by the character Sugar from the young adult novel)
1. A massage for service worker's, preferably after their shift: food servers,
teachers, nurses, bus drivers, police officers, they do tremendously stressful
jobs and could certainly benefit from tension relief. It would also create a high
demand for masseurs!
2. A splendid sunrise for everyone who fell asleep crying.
3. A proper birthday cake with the appropriate number of candles. For people
turning 100, it'll be a big cake, but that just means more to share.
4. Peace on this planet. Peace in our hearts. Peace in our minds.
5. Pink nail polish for fingers or toes.
6. A notebook like this BE BRAVE one or this KISS MY CURVES one *Check
out my Zazzle store for more goodies like this. I like to jot down design ideas,
but it's also great place to preserve experiences, write out frustrations or hurts,
or make lists of hopes and dreams.
7. Speaking of preserving experiences, a retro instant camera like these are
mega fun to have had when hanging out with friends or road tripping.
8. Self love, respect, and body care for girls and boys, and men and women,
young and old, little and big.
9. A house, a room, or a spot in a church to take shelter. If I'm being specific I
really enjoy a cushiony bed, with a pillow top mattress, and pillows like these!
Sheets and pillowcases that are super soft like this one and a big warm
blanket because everyone deserves to be warm and cuddled.
10. A pretty, pretty dress or something like a dress. Like this Golden Girl one.
Or this Frida inspired skirt. Or this one. I don't believe there is a one-size fits
all, but I do believe girls and women of all shapes and sizes are beautiful and
should feel fancy and lovely when they dress up.
11. Reusable water bottles with fresh water for every human being on the
planet. I like this glass one in raspberry! And this metal one is pretty
12. Hugs. For everyone. Everyday.
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