Friday, 11 December 2015


Fantasia by Jane Turley
GENRE: Short Story


The year is 2031 and Walt Disney, suspended in cryogenic suspension since 1966, has been brought back to life by Dr Corey, a scientist researching brain function for the purposes of suspending life for space travel. However, Dr Corey gets more than he bargained for when Walt awakens. Opinionated and arrogant but still in love with films, Walt is gobsmacked when he discovers what has happened to the world in the intervening years: films are a whole-body experience, all human organs except the brain are replaceable and research is underway to preserve life so mankind can reach the outer edges of the universe. But what affects Walt most is the shocking news that the world is being affected by catastrophic climate change... 

Fantasia is a universal story containing humour and pathos. It is particularly suitable as an educational tool for children who are beginning to learn the science of climate change and understand the concept of social responsibility.

This short story is suitable for all ages and genres and carries a vitally important message. Originally written for her own children, Fantasia is eye opening and inspiring when highlighting climate change - a vital issue in today's society especially recently with the Climate Change summit in Paris. I really enjoyed the idea of using an iconic figure such as Walt Disney to help demonstrate the idea to children. I also very much enjoyed the science aspects to it - making it a quirky and lovable science fiction short story; suitable for all ages.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for featuring Fantasia, Millie. I am delighted you enjoyed it:)
